Men in the 1970s: acceptance of paedophilia, sexual abuse, rape, degrading porn and guru-base spirituality

Orion Psychic and Sexual Attack
2 min readFeb 6, 2021

The idea is that the sexual revolution occurred towards the end of the 1960s.

The 1970s are then supposed to be a sexually liberated time.

The reality is that, in these decades, it became more acceptable for men to pressure women into having sex. Men were allowed to express themselves with paedophilia, child porn and a very entitled promiscuity. All women and children were their playthings. For visual and physical pleasure.

Men were encouraged to express their sexual urges without any consideration for the feelings of others. Their sexual feelings were allowed to dictate their behaviours entirely.

No thought about emotional intelligence, personal development or consent. Little understanding on building mature and healthy partnerships and families.

Exposure to all the technical possibilities of sexuality, without any development in emotional intelligence, was destructive and dangerous.

There was no economic equality. Men had all this sexual and economic freedom. Women were stuck in their marriages. Women’s only real financial freedom was through men.

Married women had to deal with an increased amount of sexual abuse, rape, marital rape, physical abuse and controlling behaviour.

The backlash to this was the rise of the “career woman” in the late 80s and 90s. Women wanted the economic power to leave their marriages and to have their own agency.

Today we have millions of young men fed a diet of internet porn. This has trained them on how they see women. It is not much better than the 70s. Not really. Young boys can spend hours watching violent and degrading pornography from their nice middle class bedrooms.

In the 1960s and 1970s this creepy and entitled attitude to sex bled into the rise of spirituality. Spirituality and freedom of expression was yet another way to get into the pants of women. Women were told to stop being emotionally repressed, to go with the flow, to relax…. To explore and be adventurous.

I guess women’s spiritual development was about how much she could orgasm. No sense of her developing her solar plexus, throat and third eye…

Someone with a bit of psychic development could easily learn how to control naive and ignorant women. Give them a few “tantric” experiences. You can jiggle around the sacral chakra, jiggle around the heart chakra, put a few illusions in the third eye and away we go! The women are yours to plough into whenever you feel horny.

Lauri is stuck in those decades. His main block is his lack of emotional development as he has always relied in his psychic abilities to control women.



Orion Psychic and Sexual Attack

Warning about various “shaman”. Who manipulate vulnerable women into penetrative sex for financial gain. How this relates to Orion patriarchy.