Trauma and psychic initiation: so old skool

Orion Psychic and Sexual Attack
3 min readFeb 6, 2021

Overwhelming experiences “develop” your psychic ability. They can make you start seeing things and experiencing things you have not seen and experienced before.

This can be physical, sexual or psychological trauma. This can also be overwhelming and incomprehensible experiences.

Anything that “dissociates” you from you current understanding of yourself.

Even an overwhelming sexual experience, courtesy of Lauri’s intense energy manipulations, could do the trick. He overactivates the chakras, pushing the consciousness of his clients into the astral.

All this experiences create hypervigilance and anxiety. Questioning circumstances constantly out of fear. With a strong enough mental energy this gives you “psychic gifts.”

For me, it was psychically picking up on the abusive relationship between my parents. I didn’t understand it, but I intuitively knew that it was very very wrong. My mind opened up its psychic doors to keep monitoring the situation. My mother was powerless to my father’s angry outbursts, so she was in the same state of hypervigilance and fear. Egging herself on to say something emotionally hurtful or controlling to try and stop him from getting too confident.

Psychic abilities can be a symptom of a shattered psyche, leading to mental health problems.

The best thing to do is to heal your mind by focusing on getting in control of your day to day in order to have the life you want. Trauma, like a death of a loved one, can lead to long periods of soul searching and questioning.

Shattering the Psyche and Spiritual Initiation

One intention of spiritual traditions all over the world is to perform self-induced physical trauma in a controlled and safe way. To manifest psychic experiences and to ignite an on-going quest to reach out into the unknown.

Initiation rights are closely monitored by elders and those with knowledge. Even then fasting, survival rites and drug taking can be dangerous.

However, these spiritual traditions were developed in prehistoric, stone age and iron age times. There, I can see the particular value of kundalini healing in releasing physical trauma.

Lauri got really obsessed with “clearing my third eye”. He dug really deep. This itself produced trauma. I started to access past lives and early childhood memories. These were not necessarily beneficial for me to know about. Interfering with such a delicate part of the energy body is not a good idea.

Trauma and Energy Initiation Today

I think that, today, the role of inducing trauma and psychosis is old skool and not necessary. The veil is already thin. We do not need to headbutt through it.

For non-energetic medicine:

We have Western medicine to help with physical trauma. This includes drugs to help with mental trauma and psychosis. We are learning more about psychology and therapeutic methods. We are learning more about the power of the mind with hypnotherapy.

For energetic medicine:

We are learning more about sound healing, colour therapy and crystals, working with higher guides when doing hypnotherapy. Using electromagnetism to raise vibrations. Generally, we are finding more and more knowledge on how to work gently with the energy field to remove blocks, seal the gaps, bring in light. We are learning to use our intuition to guide choses on foods to eats, herbs and spices, cooking methods.

More than anything, we are starting to learn how to use energetic and non-energetic medicine together. The idea is to put together the best package of healing and medical modalities to meet the needs of a particular person.

Smashing open physical trauma with charged and directed kundalini energy feels like something we can leave behind as we all progress.

Trauma and Psychic Ability — Susan Pease Banitt, LCSW (

Broken Open: How Trauma Can Make Us Psychic — Dr. Natalie Dyer, PhD

How to Heal the Traumatized Brain | Psychology Today

Healers I trust:

Embody Light (



Orion Psychic and Sexual Attack

Warning about various “shaman”. Who manipulate vulnerable women into penetrative sex for financial gain. How this relates to Orion patriarchy.